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Josef Newgarden Father

Indycar Series

Josef Newgarden: A Driver with Determination

Early Life and Family Support

Josef Nicolai Newgarden Jr., born on December 22, 1990, is an American racing driver known for his exceptional skills on the track. His father, Joey, played a pivotal role in his son's racing journey, described by Josef as the "ultimate believer." Joey's unwavering support and guidance allowed Josef to pursue his passion from a young age.

Racing Journey

Josef's racing ambitions began at the tender age of 15 when he transitioned to Skip Barber cars, showcasing his natural talent and determination. By the time he was 16, he won the Star Mazda Championship, solidifying his status as a rising star in the racing world. Josef's impressive performances paved the way for his entry into the IndyCar Series in 2012, where he has since established himself as a formidable competitor.

IndyCar Successes

Josef's IndyCar career has been marked by consistent success. He captured his first IndyCar title in 2017, becoming the first American to win the championship since Ryan Hunter-Reay in 2014. He successfully defended his title the following year, joining an elite group of drivers to win consecutive championships.

Indycar Series
